Dealing with Excel Worksheets

  1-Activating a Worksheet Assume that you are working in a workbook   with  more than one sheet and that you want tomove from Sheet1 to Sheet3 to enter some data there. To do this, simply click Sheet3 tab atthe bottom of the workbook. 
 2-Selecting Worksheets If you select more than one sheet, Microsoft Excel repeats the changes you make to the active sheet on all other selected sheets. These changes may replace data on other sheets.

                To select                                                                   Do this

   A single sheet                                              Click the sheet tab. 

             Tow or more adjacent sheets                     Click the tab for the first sheet, and then hold 
                                                                                  SHIFT and click the tab for the last sheet. 

             All Sheet                                                     Right-click a sheet tab, and then click Select
                                                                                All Sheets on the shortcut menu.
3 - Scrolling Worksheet Tabs

                    Use the tab scrolling buttons to display invisible worksheet tabs as follows: 


You can also ask Excel to keep more or fewer sheet tabs visible on the screen:
1.  Point to the tab split bar.
2.  When the pointer changes to a split pointer , drag the tab split bar to the right or left.
4-Inserting a New Worksheet 
1.  To add a  single worksheet , click  Insert from the  Menu bar, and then click Worksheet.
2.  To add multiple worksheets:                                                                             
         1.  Determine the number or worksheets you want to add.
              Hold down SHIFT, and then select the same number of existing worksheet tabs                                 that you want to add in the open workbook.     
             Example: If you want to add three new worksheets, select three existing worksheet tabs. 
        2.  Click Worksheet on the Insert menu. 

          5-Deleting a Worksheet
          1.Select the sheets you want to delete.                                                                                                2.On the Edit menu, click Delete Sheet.
6-  Renaming a Worksheet 
1- Double-click the sheet tab.

2- Type a new name over the current name.

      7- Hiding a Worksheet
1- Select the sheets you want to hide.

2- On the Format menu, point to Sheet, and then click Hide.

     8- Displaying a Hidden Worksheet

1- On the Format menu, point to Sheet, and then click Unhide.

2- In the Unhide sheet box, double-click the name of the hidden sheet you want to display.

9- Moving and Copying Worksheets

You should be careful when you move or copy sheets. Calculations or charts based on data on a worksheet might become inaccurate if you move the worksheet. Similarly, if you move a worksheet between sheets referred to by a 3-D formula reference, data on the worksheet might be included in the calculation.

* To move or copy sheets to another existing workbook:
     1- Open the workbook that will receive the sheets.
   2- Switch to the workbook that contains the sheets you want to move or copy, and then select the   sheets.
     3- On the Edit menu, click Move or Copy Sheet.
     4- In the To book box, click the workbook to receive the sheets.
     5- In theBefore sheet box, click the sheet before which you want to insert the moved orcopied   sheets.
     6- To copy the sheets instead of moving them, select the Create a copy check box.

* To move or copy the selected sheets to a new workbook:
     1- Select the sheets you want to move or copy.
     2- On the Edit menu, click Move or Copy Sheet.
     3- In the To book box, click New book. 


4- To copy the sheets instead of moving them, select the Create a copy check box.

* To move sheets within the current workbook, drag the selected sheets along the rowof sheet tabs.

* To copy the sheets within the current workbook, hold down CTRL, and then dragthe sheets;   release the mouse button before you release the CTRL key.

10-  Adding Background Patterns 


1- Click the sheet to which you want to add a background pattern.
2- On the Format menu, point to Sheet, and then click Background.
3- Select a folder that contains graphic file, then choose the graphics file to use for the background attern. 

11-  Changing the Number of Worksheets
1- On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the General tab.
2- In the Sheets in new workbook box, enter the number of sheets you want.

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