Dialog Box Help & Toolbars

                *   To get help information while in a dialog box:
 1. Either click the question mark (if exists) at the dialog box title bar, or select the command (Help What’s this?).  
 2.  Click the item you want information about. 
 3.  To close the pop-up window, click inside it.
                  Note: If you don't see the Question Mark button, select the Item andthen press SHIFT+F1.
     * To see the name of a toolbar button: 
    *  Rest the pointer over the button until the name appears.
                                                     Copying Help Information 
  To copy the help Information:

       1- In theHelp topic window, click the Edit Menu or theOptions button, and then click the  Copy command.You  can  also  use  the right-mouse-button to click inside the topic or pop-up window. If you want to copy only part of a topic, select the part you want to copy before you click the Copy command.

       2- In the workbook where you want the information to appear, click the place where you  want to put the information.

         3- On the Edit menu, click Paste.


MS Excel has 19 Toolbars. By default, the Standard and Formatting Toolbars will be displayed. Most of the other Toolbars are used only for specific functionality in Excel. All Toolbars are dockable. This means that the toolbar can be moved around the Desktop or locked to the Excel interface.          The Standard. Toolbar  provides quick access to commonly used actions. Each action is   represented by an icon. When you put your mouse pointer over an icon, it is highlighted in blue and a descriptive tool tip appears. Locate the icon for the action you want to use and click on the icon.   The Formatting Toolbar provides quick access to commonly used formatting actions. Each action is represented by an icon. When you put your mouse pointer over an icon, it is highlighted in blue and a descriptive tool tip appears.

 *To Show a Toolbar:
From the main menu, choose View  Toolbars and select the Toolbar you want to
display (you will see a check mark beside a Toolbar when it is visible).  

1-  To Hide a Toolbar:
From the main menu, choose View  Toolbars and select the Toolbar you want to
hide (you will not see a check mark beside a Toolbar when it is hidden).
2-  To move a Toolbar:
 Begin by placing the mouse over the left side of the Toolbar you want to move (your   mouse cursor should change to the move cursor). Click and drag the Toolbar to where you want to move it.
3- To dock a Toolbar:
 Click and drag the Toolbar to one of the four sides of the Excel window.

Note: The main menu can also be moved and docked.


                                 Closing Microsoft Excel XP                  
If you’ve finished working in Excel XP and want to close it, do the following:
     1. Save and close the active workbook first (see section 2.8, 2.9).
2- Select Exit from the File menu (OR click the Close button at the top-right corner of the MS Excel screen).

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