Hiding the Office Assistant

* To hide the office assistant:

 Right-click on the Office Assistant and select Hide from the menu.
 Using Help without the Office Assistant 
  To use help without the office assistant : 

First/  To get Help without using the Office Assistant, the Office  Assistant must be turned off :
               1. In the Assistant balloon, click Options. 
         If the Office Assistant balloon isn't visible, click the  Assistant.
              2. On the Options tab, clear the Use the Office Assistant check box. 

Note: To turn on the Assistant at any time, click Show the Office Assistant on
the Help menu.

       Second     On the Help menu, click Microsoft Excel Help.
                       If the Contents, AnswerWizard, and Index tabs aren't visible,click Show icon. 
      Third    In the Help window, do the following: 
           1.  Click the Contents tab to view the table of contents for Help. 
           2.  Click the Answer Wizard tab to type a question about the Microsoft Office   
                   program in which you are working. 
                  Type the words you want to search for,and click Search. 
          3.  Click theIndex tab to search for specific words or phrases, or choose from    
                a list of keywords.  
You can control the list of topics found by adding or removing keywords from your search. In this way, you can narrow your search until only the most relevant topics and keywords remain in the list. 

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