Editing Worksheet Data Excel ,Moving , Copying , Inserting Columns

Editing Cell Contents
1- Double-click the cell that contains the data you want to edit.
2- Make any changes to the cell contents.
3- To enter your changes, press ENTER.
4- If you want to cancel your changes, press ESC.

Clearing Cells, Rows and Columns
Clearing and Deleting are not the same; when you delete cells; Microsoft Excel removes them from the worksheet and shifts the surrounding cells to fill the space. When you clear cells, you remove the cell contents (formulas and data), formats, or comments, but leave the blank cells on the worksheet.

  To clear contents, formats, or comments from cells, do the following:
 1- Select the cells, rows, or columns you want to clear.
 2- Click Edit on the Menu bar, and point to Clear.
 3- Either click All,    Contents, Formats, or Comments. In all cases, the value of the cleared
  cell will be 0 (zero), and a formula that refers to that cell will receive a value of  0.

Deleting Cells, Rows and Columns
Refer first to the previous section to see what the difference is between Clearing and Deleting. Do the following to delete:

1- Select the cells, rows, or columns you want to delete.
      2- On the Edit menu, click Delete. Surrounding cells shift to fill the space

Undoing Mistakes and Canceling Entries

۞ To undo recent actions one at a time, click the Undo button from the Standard toolbar    
۞ To undo several actions at once, click the arrow next to the Undo        button and select  rom  the list. Microsoft Excel reverses the selected action and all actions above it.
۞  If you changed your mind after you have undone an action, click the Redo          button
from the Standard toolbar     
۞ To cancel an entry before you press ENTER, TAB, or select another cell, press ESC.

   Moving and Copying Data Excel

Moving Cells

Using the menu commands and buttons:
1-  Select the cells you want to move.
2-  Choose the command (Edit      Cut) or click the Cut button from the Standard
3-  Select the upper-left cell of the area where the cells are to be moved. 
4-  Choose the command (Edit         Paste) or click the Paste button from the
            Standard toolbar. Any data in the paste area will be replaced.

Using the mouse:
1-  Select the cells you want to move.
2- Point to the outside border of the selected range until the mouse pointer changes to
an arrow.      
3-  Hold down the left-mouse-button, and drag the cells to the new location. 
4-  Release the mouse. Any data in the paste area will be replaced.

►Copying Cells
Using the menu commands and buttons:
1-  Select the cells you want to copy.
2-  Choose the command (Edit        Copy   ) or click the Copy button from the
Standard toolbar.
3-  Select the upper-left cell of the area where the cells are to be copied. 
4-  Choose the command (Edit   Paste) or click the Paste button from the
Standard toolbar. Any data in the paste area will be replaced. 

Using the mouse:
1-  Select the cells you want to copy.
2-  Point to the outside border of the selected range until the mouse pointer changes to        an arrow.      
3-  Hold down <CTRL>, a plus sign will appear beside the mouse. Hold down the left-  mouse-button (don’t release CTRL), and drag the cells to the new location. 
4-  Release <CTRL> and the mouse. Any data in the paste area will be replaced.

► Inserting Moved and Copied Cells
1-  Select the cells that contain the data you want to move or copy.
2-  To move the selection, click the Cut button. To copy the selection, click the Copy       button.
3-  Select the upper-left cell where you want to place the cut or copied cells.
4-  On the Insert menu, click Cut Cells or Copied Cells.
5-  Click the direction you want to shift the surrounding cells. 

►Copying Data within a Row or Column
1-  Select the cells that contain the data you want to copy.
2-  Drag the fill handle across the cells you want to fill and then release the mouse button.
       Existing values or formulas in the cells you fill are replaced

The Fill handle is the small black square in the corner of the selection. When you
      point to the fill handle, the pointer changes to a black cross.  
If you drag the fill handle up or to the left of a selection and stop in the selected cells without going past the first column or the top row, you will delete the data in the selection.
If values such as numbers or dates are incremented through the selected range  instead of copied, select the original values again and hold down CTRL as you drag the fill handle
To quickly fill in the active cell with the contents of the cell above it, press CTRL+D.
To quickly fill in the active cell with the contents of the cell to the left, press  CTRL+R.
    Copying Only Values, Formats, …
Instead of copying entire cells, you can copy specified contents from the cells, for example, you can copy the format of the cell (font type, size, …) or the resulting value of a formula without copying the formula itself.
1-  Select the cells you want to copy.
2-  Click the Copy button.
3-  Select the upper-left cell of the paste area.

4- On the Edit menu, click Paste Special.

5-      Click an option under Paste, and then click OK. The available options are:

Select                                                             To
 All                            Pastes all cell contents and formatting. This option is the same
                    as using the Paste command on the Edit menu.
 Formulas            Pastes only the formulas as entered in the formula bar

Values                  Pastes only the values as displayed in the cells .

Formats                 Pastes only cell formatting.

Comments            Pastes only comments attached to the cell.

Validation            Pastes data validation rules for the copied cells to the paste area.

All except borders     Pastes all cell contents and formatting applied to the       copied cell except borders.    

►Moving and Copying within a Cell
1-  Double-click the cell you want to edit.
2-  In the cell, select the characters you want to move or copy.
3-  To move the characters, click the    Cut button. To copy the characters, click the   Copy  button.
4-  In the cell, click where you want to paste the characters.
5-  Click the Paste button, and then press ENTER.

►Copying a Range with Blank Cells
If you copy a range that includes blank cells, use this procedure to prevent pasting blank cells over existing data.

1.        Select the cells you want to copy.
2.        Click the Copy button.
3.        Select the upper-left cell of the paste area.
4.        On the Edit menu, click Paste Special.
5.        Select the Skip blanks check box.

Repeating the Last Action
To repeat the last action, click Repeat from Edit menu. If the last action cannot be repeated ,the Repeat command changes to Can't Repeat.

Inserting Blank Cells
1-  Select a range of existing cells where you want to insert the new blank cells. 
2-  On the Insert menu, click Cells.
3-  Click Shift cells right or Shift cells down .
Inserting Rows
1-  To insert a single row, click a cell in the row immediately below where you want the new row. For example, to insert a new row above Row 5, click a cell in Row 5.
2- To insert multiple rows , select rows immediately below where you want the new rows. (Select the same number of rows as you want to insert.)
3-  On the Insert menu, click Rows.

Inserting Columns

1-  To insert a single column , click a cell in the column immediately to the right of where you want to insert the new column. For example, to insert a new column to the left of Column B, click a cell in Column B.
2- To insert multiple columns, select columns immediately to the right of where you want to insert the new columns. (Select the same number of columns, as you want to insert.)
3-  On the Insert menu, click Columns.

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